

3G or 3rd bearing adaptable telecommunications, is a bearing of standards for adaptable phones and adaptable telecommunications casework accomplishing the International Adaptable Telecommunications-2000 (IMT — 2000) blueprint by the International Telecommunication Union.[1] Application casework accommodate wide-area wireless articulation telephone, adaptable Internet access, video calls and adaptable TV, all in a adaptable environment. To accommodated the IMT-2000 standards, a arrangement is appropriate to accommodate aiguille abstracts ante of at atomic 200 kbit/s. Recent 3G releases, generally denoted 3.5G and 3.75G, additionally accommodate adaptable broadband admission of several Mbit/s to smartphones and adaptable modems in laptop computers.

The afterward standards are about branded 3G:

    the UMTS system, aboriginal offered in 2001, connected by 3GPP, acclimated primarily in Europe, Japan, China (however with a altered radio interface) and added regions predominated by GSM 2G arrangement infrastructure. The corpuscle phones are about UMTS and GSM hybrids. Several radio interfaces are offered, administration the aforementioned infrastructure:
        The aboriginal and best boundless radio interface is alleged W-CDMA.
        The TD-SCDMA radio interface, was commercialised in 2009 and is alone offered in China.
        The latest UMTS release, HSPA+, can accommodate aiguille abstracts ante up to 56 Mbit/s in the downlink in approach (28 Mbit/s in absolute services) and 22 Mbit/s in the uplink.

    the CDMA2000 system, aboriginal offered in 2002, connected by 3GPP2, acclimated abnormally in North America and South Korea, administration basement with the IS-95 2G standard. The corpuscle phones are about CDMA2000 and IS-95 hybrids. The latest absolution EVDO Rev B offers aiguille ante of 14.7 Mbit/s downstreams.

The aloft systems and radio interfaces are based on affiliated advance spectrum radio manual technology. While the GSM EDGE accepted ("2.9G"), DECT cordless phones and Adaptable WiMAX standards formally additionally accomplish the IMT-2000 requirements and are accustomed as 3G standards by ITU, these are about not branded 3G, and are based on absolutely altered technologies.

A new bearing of cellular standards has appeared about every tenth year back 1G systems were alien in 1981/1982. Each bearing is characterized by new abundance bands, college abstracts ante and non backwards accordant manual technology. The aboriginal absolution of the 3GPP Long Term Change (LTE) accepted does not absolutely accomplish the ITU 4G requirements alleged IMT-Advanced. Aboriginal absolution LTE is not backwards accordant with 3G, but is a pre-4G or 3.9G technology, about sometimes branded "4G" by the account providers. Its change LTE Advanced is a 4G technology. WiMAX is addition technology abutting on or marketed as 4G.

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